Absentee Run Busy Authentic Mexican Restaurant for Sale
For sale is a Mexican restaurant that is located inside a major shopping center with a supermarket anchor. No other Mexican restaurants in the complex &...
Great Opportunity for combo Indian Grocery store and Restaurant
Large established Indian grocery store with restaurant including tables and chairs located on the main commercial road in Modesto, Ca. Plenty of parking...
Established Asian Restaurant for Sale, Great Location
Modesto, CA
Owner retiring from restaurant business. Located in Wal-Mart Shopping Center on McHenry Ave. Space includes full dining area, host bar, medium kitchen, and two...
Speciality Pizza Restaurant for Sale in Modesto CA
Modesto, CA
Business Description: * Pizza Restaurant for Sale in Modesto California - Stanislaus County. * It is a specialty pizza business with the seller's own vegan pizza...
Pizza Restaurant where The Quality comes first.
Modesto, CA
This established pizza business is known for its premium pizzas and commitment to...
Turnkey Restaurant Opportunity – McHenry Ave, Modesto
Modesto, CA
Seize this rare chance to own a well-established, spacious Asian / Mexican fusion full...
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