Sorry, no listings were found matching your search criteria for Oakley, CA. Showing instead
Absentee run Asian Dumpling restaurant for sale in Brentwood plaza
Brentwood, CA
Absentee run Asian dumpling and noodle restaurant for sale in Brentwood. Located in a...
Absentee run Asian restaurant for sale in San Ramon shopping center
San Ramon, CA
Absentee run Asian restaurant for sale in San Ramon shopping center. Approximately 2700...
Chinese Restaurant-No Competition
Contra Costa County, CA
Convertible Chinese restaurant. Over 30 years Chinese Restaurant has regular customers...
Chinese Restaurant
Contra Costa County, CA
Chinese restaurant offering delicious Chinese/Sushi cuisine, located in Contra Costa...
Chinese Restaurant - Antioch
Antioch, CA
Description:<br /><br />This Chinese Restaurant is an Old-fashioned eatery preparing...
Great Location Chinese Restaurant
San Pablo, CA
This is an asset sale. It is 1125 sq ft restaurant, it serve chines food. Located in a...
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