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Cafe Restaurant , Full Kitchen | Willow Pass Rd Concord, California
Concord, CA
This Cafe Restaurant was established in 1997. The owner has been running it for 20 years and has done...
Multi-Unit Coffee Shop for Sale (Hottest Market!)
Contra Costa County, CA
RARE Opportunity to own the a fast-growing coffee shop with a very unique offering! <br /> <br />Multi-Unit business with proven success in multiple markets. Lots...
Remodeled Bakery/Cafe on a Major Street with Outdoor Seating
Contra Costa County, CA
Remodeled Bakery/Cafe on a Major Street with Outdoor Seating<br /><br />RRC# 4757 <br...
Established Baskin Robbins Store
Contra Costa County, CA
This is a rare opportunity for a new owner-operator to take over this long-established...
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