Mountain Mike's - Multi-Unit, Oceanside CA
Oceanside, CA
Serving up the best pizza in Oceanside the same way Mountain Mike’s has done it since 1978 — dough rolled fresh daily, using real whole milk mozzarella, vegetables...
Multi-Unit Mountain Mike's - Opportunity for major GROWTH
Oceanside, CA
Multi-Unit Mountain Mike's in Southern California -Franchisor requires net worth of $450,000 and $150,000 liquid capital -Each location is within an hour of each...
Award Winning, Second Gen Restaurant Location on Premium Costal Corner
Oceanside, CA
Seize this unique opportunity to own a prestigious fully loaded restaurant location established by a...
50's Style Diner, Money Maker, Manager Run
Oceanside, CA
Beautiful 50's Diner, with a tons of memorabilia included in the sales price. Service is fast food style where you order at the counter. Not a full service, table...
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