Successful Electrical & Lighting Contracting business
Orange County, CA
Electrical & Lighting contractor with monthly contracts that provides monthly income, and continuous work for employees. We have had continued growth over the past...
Home Automation Provider – A Proven Leader in Technology and Design
Laguna Niguel, CA
This highly profitable business has earned its reputation as Orange County’s top choice for the complete spectrum of home automation solutions, including design,...
Reputable Electrical Repair Business
Anaheim, CA
For Sale - This well-established, well branded electrical installation and repair...
Commercial Electrical Company w/Recurring Revenue (SBA avail)
Orange County, CA
*UNDER CONTRACT* This is not your typical electrical company for sale. No need to wait...
Patented Unpowered Wireless Signal Booster for Sale
Irvine, CA
Patent is for sale! This company is a manufacturer of patented unpowered wireless signal...
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