Turnkey Farmers Insurance Agency
Anaheim, CA
Take advantage of an existing book of business with over 1000 policies in force. As a Farmers agency owner, you enjoy a range of incentives which includes...
OC CA Commercial P&C Insurance Agency For Sale
Fountain Valley, CA
This is an excellent opportunity to acquire a 95% commercial small business P&C insurance book, ideal for expanding your existing agency. The client base comprises...
SoCal Progressive and Kemper BOB - Appointees Only
Seal Beach, CA
Independent Orange County Insurance Broker purchased a book of business in 2023 that contained a high percentage of clients bound by Progressive. With the...
Diverse SoCal Insurance Book – Commercial Focused
Costa Mesa, CA
This diverse insurance agency was formed by a former Farmer’s agent who sought greater opportunities by offering a wider range of products as an independent...
Cash Flow: $273,039
Outstanding OC Independent Commercial Insurance Agency
Irvine, CA
This 16-year-old commercial-focused agency was started by an individual who brought in a...
Cash Flow: $466,000
Multi-Office Insurance Agency
Orange County, CA
The easiest way to instantly grow your insurance business is to acquire a significant...
Allstate Agency in a Valued Orange Cty Location Gross Pr. 4.5 Million
Orange County, CA
This is a high volume Allstate Agency in the Orange County Area. The Agent is retiring...
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