Nail Salon Asset Sale & New Lease
Mission Viejo, CA
Beautiful nail salon studio for lease and equipment asset sale. Nail salon is located within a hair studio in Mission Viejo. Walk-in ready establishment and new...
SALE - Busy Nail and Hair Salon in Huntington Beach, CA
Huntington Beach, CA
MAJOR PRICE REDUCTION FROM $83K TO $50K! To request more information on this ASSET SALE - fill in the request on the RIGHT of this listing to receive an NDA you...
Turn Key Nail Salon Business
Santa Ana, CA
Exceptional Opportunity for Owner-Operator or Semi-Absentee Owner! Step into the vibrant...
High End Nail Salon with Skin Care and Eye Lash
Fullerton, CA
New business in a busy intersection with Supermarket anchor tenant and national chain...
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