Souvenir Shop for sale in Venice Beach, CA!
Los Angeles County, CA
Situated on a vibrant and in demand location, this premium souvenir shop offers an eclectic range of handcrafted treasures. From custom printed T-shirts to magnets...
"Type 47 Bar & Brew Pub Biz Ready to Relocate
Paso Robles, CA
Assets of full bar (47), restaurant, and brew pub (23) for relocation within SLO. Principals only.
Well Established Aerial Fire Fighting Aviation Company
We’re excited to offer this very rare and unique turnkey business opportunity that will...
Beautiful Hookah Lounge
Los Angeles, CA
Established Hookah Lounge for sale in Northridge. Grandfathered hookah lounge license...
Nationwide Charter Booking Portal and B&M Charter Service
San Jose, CA
Opportunity to acquire a nationwide online booking portal with a successful B&M charter...
Global Tour Operator
Los Angeles County, CA
The business is a leading global travel services company in the high-end personalized...
Cash Flow: $1,171,000
Bus & Shuttle Passenger Transportation Company
Well-known and popular Bus & Shuttle Passenger transportation company. Established in...
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