The Tahoe Gal- Lake Tahoe Sightseeing and Event Cruises
The Tahoe Gal was built in LaCross, Wisconsin, by Skipperliner. She was shipped to us in three separate pieces, via eighteen wheeler, to Lake Tahoe. The...
Award Winning Profitable Burger Drive-up QSR with Property
This is an opportunity to become part of an American tradition with this nostalgic frosty restaurant and walk up! The sale includes a profitable frosty...
Mexican Restaurant
Placer County, CA
This well-established business, with 16 years of operation. It's a great opportunity for...
Well established Indian restaurant in Granite Bay
Granite Bay, CA
A well-established Indian restaurant located in Granite Bay, CA in a bustling plaza with...
Price Reduced to $375,000 - Roseville/Rocklin Area. Highly Profitable
Rocklin, CA
Price Reduced to $375,000 - Roseville/Rocklin Area. Highly Profitable 2600 sq ft...
Full-service restaurant / Boba shop for sale in Rocklin, CA
Rocklin, CA
Full-service Asian restaurant / Boba Shop for sale in Rocklin, CA. Prime location. Busy...
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