Pizzeria & Taphouse
Placer County, CA
Highly Successful Woodfired Pizzeria with Strong Revenue and Growth Potential This is a rare opportunity to acquire a thriving, culinary-driven woodfired...
Pizza Franchise Shop - Turnkey, Beloved Staple - Placer County
Placer County, CA
Join a thriving pizza franchise that has become a beloved staple in the community in Placer County. With a proven business model, established brand recognition,...
Pizza Restaurant in South Placer County
Placer County, CA
South Placer County Pizza Restaurant - Opportunity! Calling all Pizzapreneurs! Own a...
Select Well-Established Pizza Restaurant in Newcastle – SBA Approved!
Newcastle, CA
Rare opportunity to own an independant local pizzeria in the heart of Newcastle,...
Huge Potential Pizza Franchise For Sale in Placer
Roseville, CA
Great opportunity to own a Pizza Franchise store in an affluent Northern California...
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