Established Thai Restaurant Business for Sale
Redlands, CA
Established Thai Restaurant with 35 years experience. All restaurant furniture and kitchen equipment included in sale. Restaurant has beer and wine license.
Offering wood-fired pizza, Italian plates, full bar and craft beer
Redlands, CA
LA Vibe in Redlands. Established and very well maintained Pizza restaurant with a type 47 liquor license. A large centerpiece woodburning pizza oven, a unique one...
Established Bar with a Full Liquor ABC-Type 47 and 58 license
Redlands, CA
Popular and profitable bar in a College town. They have developed a loyal customer base and have great employees.
Turnkey Donut Shop with Full Kitchen
Redlands, CA
Turnkey Donut Shop/Bakery with Full Kitchen that can be converted/changed into a full restaurant use; some interior seating that can be expanded; family owned and...
Thriving Bar & Grill in Prime Redlands Location Now Fore Sale
Redlands, CA
Welcome to a popular and thriving bar and grill located in the heart of Redlands! This...
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