Restaurant - Established & Profitable - Great Location!
Riverside, CA
Well established & fully equipped restaurant serving Burgers / Mexican / and standard diner menu. Menu/operation similar to a Famberboys. Since 2016. 2024...
Established, Profitable Deli with on-going Loyal Clientle
Riverside, CA
Well-established deli in the city of Riverside, proudly serving the community for a decade! Specializing in breakfast and lunch, this cozy spot has built a loyal...
Find Dining Restaurant For Sale!
Riverside, CA
A prime business ideally located in a highly sought-after area in Riverside California,...
High Volume Drive Thru with good rent
Riverside, CA
Drive thru Burger Joint with high volume and nice location and good rent for 1800sf...
See more results when you broaden your search from Riverside to Riverside County.
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