Mexican Cuisine located at a major plaza (Arden Area)
Sacramento, CA
Well-established Mexican restaurant in a high-traffic, major plaza in the Arden area. Offering a vibrant atmosphere and loyal customer base, this location features...
Jimboy’s Restaurant in DOCO, Downtown Sacramento
Sacramento, CA
Jimboy’s Restaurant in DOCO, Downtown Sacramento RRC# 4823 Location: 405 K Street, Ste 220, Sacramento Description: Prime location at DOCO, busy downtown...
Great income
Sacramento, CA
Located in a prime spot within a vibrant shopping center in Sacramento County, this...
“Turn Key” Well Equipped, Restaurant in Sacramento
Sacramento, CA
“Turn Key” Well Equipped, Restaurant in Sacramento with Full Liquor License RRC# 4749...
Goodwill asset sale 1/2 block to hwy 99 on ramp
Sacramento, CA
Goodwill, Zoning, Restaurant lease hold improvement with near future property purchase...
See more results when you broaden your search from Sacramento to Sacramento County.
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