Established Plumbing Franchise Resale- Fully Staffed w/Manager
Our franchise is one of the only combined plumbing and HVAC opportunities servicing both residential and commercial clients. We have proven success...
30+ Year Plumbing Contractor - $1.5 million in Cash Flow
$1.5 million in working capital is included in the sale! The Company enjoys a large business footprint, consistently working in San Diego, Orange,...
Local Plumbing Contractor - Custom Homes and Contractor focused
San Diego County, CA
Local Plumbing Contractor serving San Diego county. Focuses on contracts for custom homes and remodeling plumbing. Customers are home owners and general...
Septic System Installation Repair And Maintenance
San Diego County, CA
This lucrative business offers a prime chance within the thriving Septic Industry by providing a wide array of services, from installation to repairs, system...
Fire Protection Business with Strong Client Base and Profitability
San Diego County, CA
Founded in 1992, this fire safety services business specializes in fire extinguisher...
Prime Acquisition Opportunity: Successful plumbing company
San Diego, CA
For any inquiries, please supply your CA plumbing or general contractor license as this...
Profitable Drain Cleaning Business
San Diego, CA
Well-established drain cleaning business operating for over 40 years. This home-based,...
Established Plumbing Contractor Commercial and Residential
San Diego, CA
1. Established Reputation: Family-owned businesses often have a strong community...
Top-Tier Restoration, Plumbing & Maintenance Business
San Diego, CA
Longstanding restoration, reconstruction, plumbing, and HOA maintenance business in the...
BlueFrog Plumbing & Drain
Available in California
Invest in Bluefrog Plumbing + Drain: Your Gateway to Profitable and Resilient Business...
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