Established Plumbing Franchise Resale- Fully Staffed w/Manager
Our franchise is one of the only combined plumbing and HVAC opportunities servicing both residential and commercial clients. We have proven success...
30+ Year Plumbing Contractor - $1.5 million in Cash Flow
$1.5 million in working capital is included in the sale! The Company enjoys a large business footprint, consistently working in San Diego, Orange,...
Prime Acquisition Opportunity: Successful plumbing company
San Diego, CA
For any inquiries, please supply your CA plumbing or general contractor license as this...
Profitable Drain Cleaning Business
San Diego, CA
Well-established drain cleaning business operating for over 40 years. This home-based,...
Established Plumbing Contractor Commercial and Residential
San Diego, CA
1. Established Reputation: Family-owned businesses often have a strong community...
Top-Tier Restoration, Plumbing & Maintenance Business
San Diego, CA
Longstanding restoration, reconstruction, plumbing, and HOA maintenance business in the...
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