Busiest intersection location for restaurant in Mtn View
When we opened the doors of our first taqueria way back in 1979, we quickly gained a reputation throughout Los Angeles for using fresh ingredients and...
"Profitable Empanada Factory & Premier Argentinian Catering Business w
Business Overview: This is a rare opportunity to own a thriving empanada factory and catering business specializing in authentic Argentinian cuisine...
Commercial/Central/Catering/Ghost Kitchen In The Heart Of Santa Clara
Santa Clara, CA
A fully equipped commercial kitchen with all the equipment, fixtures, furniture,...
Established Indian & Pakistani Grocery Store in Prime Location
San Jose, CA
This well-established Indian & Pakistani grocery store is strategically located in a...
Commercial Kitchen 1,732 sq.ft. 12 ft hood.
Santa Clara, CA
**ASSET SALE** This is a much better option than renting. A similar commercial kitchen...
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