Laundromat For Sale in San Lorenzo
San Lorenzo, CA
Location: Situated in San Lorenzo with nearby apartments, this laundromat has been a staple for over 20 years, serving the local community. Ownership: The current...
High Volume, Profitable Laundromat in San Francisco - SALE PENDING
San Francisco, CA
Thank you everyone for your interest, but we have accepted an offer at this time. If the offer falls through, I will update our listing accordingly and reach out...
San Francisco Coin-Operated Laundromat with 30+ Year History
San Francisco, CA
BUSINESS OVERVIEW This established coin-operated laundromat has been a staple in...
Laundromat -Well-Established (Alameda County)
Hayward, CA
We are pleased to present a well-established and profitable laundromat located in...
Card Op Laundry as Absentee Owner's Run in Beach City in SF Peninsula
Pacifica, CA
Card Op Laundry as Absentee Owner's Run. Located in Beach City in SF Peninsula (in a big...
Coin Laundry & Pickup Delivery Services For Sale in Daly City
Daly City, CA
Coin Laundry & Delivery Services in Daly City. Monthly Estimated Gross to be $17,674 and...
Dry Cleaning Agency in Affluent Area
Santa Clara County, CA
The owner is ready to start a well-earned retirement after 25 years of steadfast...
Coin Laundry For Sale in Oakland, Located in Shopping Center
Oakland, CA
Estimated Gross: 13,000/m & Estimated. Rent: $4,000/m for 4,500 sf. Lease until...
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