Punch King Fitness - Training Gym Franchise
We opened this location with the intent to offer it for sales as a franchise operation. It is fully turn key and perfect for someone the the...
5 Star Yoga Studio for Sale in San Francisco
Award winning and 5 Star Rated Yoga Studio for Sale in one of the most beloved and thriving neighborhoods of San Francisco. If you are looking for a...
Group Fitness Management. Semi-Absentee. Enormous Growth Opportunity.
San Francisco County, CA
Transform Your Passion for Fitness into a Profitable Business! *** SBA LOAN...
Bay Area Holistic Medical Clinics for Sale
San Francisco, CA
We have an exciting opportunity to bring to the marketplace for the first time two...
Dental Device Co with NEW Technology
San Francisco, CA
This disruptive device cuts dental costs and the investment time by patients and...
Established dental businesses for sale
San Francisco, CA
Established and successful dental business for sale Located in busy street San Francisco...
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