Custom Signage Business
San Francisco, CA
This business has built a stellar reputation over 30 years while catering to every type of industry and business in the Bay Area. It has a strong portfolio and...
Superfood Snack Business $675k TTM (40% GM) Servicing Top Tech Offices
San Francisco, CA
Profitable eCommerce business with $675,000 in TTM revenue and $21,670 in TTM profit selling superfood granola leading the category in food service with its...
"Profitable Empanada Factory & Premier Argentinian Catering Business w
San Francisco, CA
Business Overview: This is a rare opportunity to own a thriving empanada factory and catering business specializing in authentic Argentinian cuisine since 2015,...
YOLO Cannabis Gummies Brand
San Francisco, CA
At YOLO, we believe in creating high-quality, innovative cannabis products that offer both exceptional taste and wellness benefits. Specializing in...
Outstanding San Francisco Downtown Restaurant.
San Francisco, CA
San Francisco downtown restaurant with ABC 47 license, excellent new lease available to...
Specialty Coffee Roaster & Wholesaler- SF Bay Area
San Francisco County, CA
Wholesale Coffee Supplier is a respected and well-known proprietary brand of coffee and...
Pastas Manufacturers with over 40 years of Customer Love
San Francisco, CA
Eduardo’s Pasta varieties are currently in 47 San Francisco Bay Area Safeway locations,...
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