Variety established gift shop
San Francisco County, CA
Great opportunity to own an established retail business gift shop at Grant Avenue, the street with the most foot traffic for tourist and local people. (cross...
Premium Bridal Shop With Exclusive Brands
San Francisco County, CA
Unlock the potential for exceptional growth with this premier bridal shop in San Francisco Bay Area, showcasing exclusive designs from top brands and offering a...
Cannabis Retail & Delivery in San Francisco, CA
San Francisco, CA
30% ownership - $650,000 Mission Organic is seeking visionary investors to partner with us in opening a new...
Beautifully built wine bar w/kitchen in high foot
San Francisco, CA
This San Francisco wine bar & kitchen located in bustling area known for top-notch wine & cheese. Opened in November 2019, the 3600sqft retail & food service...
Beautifully built wine bar w/kitchen in high foot
San Francisco, CA
This San Francisco wine bar & kitchen located in bustling area known for top-notch wine...
High End retail store for sale in San Francisco Cow Hollow
San Francisco, CA
A hidden gem in one of San Francisco's most prestigious shopping districts. This...
Operational Cannabis Delivery Business (San Francisco, CA) #1485
San Francisco, CA
Looking to establish or expand your presence in the San Francisco cannabis industry?...
Grocery Store
San Francisco County, CA
One of my best listings of 2024, this is a Farmer’s Market in the heart of downtown San...
Longtime Gift Basket Business-Absentee Owners
San Francisco County, CA
Super longtime gift basket business!! We have been serving the Bay Area in addition to...
Hello Sugar
Available in California
Hello Sugar dominates the Hair Removal category by offering the trifecta: wax, sugar, &...
Long Time Established Housewares - Furniture Store-Inventory Included
San Francisco, CA
Would you like to set your own hours? Spend your days in a super environment with great...
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