Professional Residential and Commercial Painting Franchise
Tracy, CA
Fresh Coat Painters is not a traditional franchise with large inventory, high overhead or big investment fees, like a restaurant or retail franchise. This...
Photography Biz Ready For New Owners - Time To Retire
San Joaquin County, CA
Owners are ready to retire, so it's time to capitalize on the bustling energy between Stockton and Livermore, this photography and printing business is on the...
4.3 Acre Residential Property w/ custom Home & Tractor Rental Business
San Joaquin County, CA
RARE OPPORTUNITY! This is a chance to buy a profitable Business on a 4.3 acre...
Online Service Delivery produce and dairy and meat to residential area
San Joaquin County, CA
This is an online subscription-based service offering residential produce, dairy, and...
Residential Property Management Company For Sale
Stockton, CA
For Sale: Local residential real estate business. Revenue has grown 19.8 % year over...
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