Profitable Fast Casual Restaurant in East Bay
San Leandro, CA
This fast casual restaurant has been a staple in the East Bay for 9 years, boasting steady growth and consistent profitability. Designed for absentee ownership,...
!! Rare Restaurant opportunity in Marina Square Outlets San Leandro !!
San Leandro, CA
Location...location...location! If you're looking to jumpstart your restaurant dream or expand your existing restaurant business empire, this is THE location you...
Low Rent and Good Income Pizza Restaurant
San Leandro, CA
This is an owner-operated, 1,200 sq. ft. restaurant located in a strip mall. The owner...
Established Hawaiian Grill QSR - High potential
San Leandro, CA
This is a fantastic opportunity to take-over this prime location with great operation....
See more results when you broaden your search from San Leandro to Alameda County.
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