Restaurant - Excellent
San Mateo, CA
Built out new as of 2022. Type one hood, indoor and outdoor seating. Location, Location, Location MUST SEE!!!! Menu and name not included in the sale.
Cafe/Wine Bar Cafe Asset Sale -Redwood City
San Mateo County, CA
2,170 sq. ft. Cafe wine bar available, surrounded by offices and adjacent to major shopping area, featuring...
Neighborhood Authentic Italian Restaurant & Wine Bar
Foster City, CA
This beautiful Restaurant in Foster City is a popular Italian restaurant known for its...
Popular Restaurant and Bar
Pacifica, CA
This long-time full-service bar and restaurant has been serving delicious food and...
"Menlo Park" Restaurant with full bar opportunity Cheap Rent!
Menlo Park, CA
This restaurant business for sale is located in a highly commercialized area along El...
"Brisbane" Restaurant Business Opportunity for Sale!
Brisbane, CA
Located along with a beautiful residential neighborhoods in Brisbane, making it a...
"Burlingame" Restaurant & Bar for Sale with Cheap Rent!
Burlingame, CA
This restaurant is close to a subway station, banks, grocery stores, and an Apple store....
"San Carlos" Restaurant Opportunity with Type 41 Alcohol License
San Carlos, CA
This refined restaurant is located in Downtown San Carlos. It is near with different...
Profitable Japanese Restaurant in Bustling Shopping Center
San Mateo County, CA
Profitable Japanese Restaurant in Bustling Shopping Center on the Peninsula - $164,000 +...
Hummus Republic
Available in California
Hummus Republic is a modern fast-casual concept with a simple business model, low...
Prime Modern Restaurant for Sale in Downtown Redwood City
Redwood City, CA
Prime Modern Restaurant for Sale in Downtown Redwood City with Type 47 Liquor License ...
"Pacifica" Restaurant Opportunity in Shopping Center across beach !
Pacifica, CA
This restaurant offers traditional foods that make it's longtime customers stay and come...
"San Mateo" Prime Downtown Restaurant with Full Commercial Kitchen!
San Mateo, CA
This prime downtown restaurant location is near San Mateo Central Park and San Mateo...
San Mateo County 47/48 Liquor License for Sale
San Mateo, CA
San Mateo County Type 47/48 liquor license for sale. Listed at $89,000 (sale and escrow...
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