Stand-Alone Restaurant for Sale in Santa Ana – Turnkey Location!
Unlock the potential of your culinary dreams with this thriving standalone taco shop located in the heart of Santa Ana, California! This gem is situated...
Profitable Michoacana Style Ice Cream Store For Sale
If you can run a restaurant for your boss, for sure you can run one for yourself! Great opportunity to be your own boss with minimum down payment and...
**RARE OPP**Historical Authentic Mexican Res 52 years, 47 License
Santa Ana, CA
Historic 52 year Mexican Restaurant with incredible food and margaritas. Beautifully...
Established nightclub, with full liquor license & kitchen.
Santa Ana, CA
Established Nightclub with full liquor license, entertainment license & kitchen. Located...
Profitable Fast Food w Drive Through. Reduced price. Act Now!
Santa Ana, CA
Freestanding drive through quick service restaurant. Located in a very busy area next to...
Great Location of Mariscos Restaurant (Mexican Seafood Restaurant)
Santa Ana, CA
Opportunity in the great City of Santa Ana. Comes with a 41 Full Liquor license, but can...
Taqueria Restaurant Fast Food in Santa Ana
Santa Ana, CA
Great small restaurant capacity 20, Taqueria. This is the right one for you to start to...
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