Fast-Casual Mediterranean Restaurant Ready-to-go w/ Apartment Upstairs
Goleta, CA
Rare opportunity to own a top performing, Mediterranean (franchise) restaurant in the heart of Isla Vista, CA. [Family moving out of state*]. Business Valuation...
Vons Chicken Restaurant in Busy College Town Location
Isla Vista, CA
Vons Chicken Restaurant in Busy College Town Location RRC# 4818 Location: 955 Embarcadero del Mar, Isla Vista Description: Famous for its Korean-style...
Type 47 ABC License - Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, CA
Full liquor license - Type 47 – On-Sale General - Eating Place. Approved for use in...
Artisan Confectionery Shop
Santa Barbara County, CA
Artisan Confectionery Shop located in Santa Barbara, California, nestled among tourist...
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