Santa Clara County 47/48 Liquor License for Sale
San Jose, CA
Santa Clara County Type 47/48 liquor license for sale. Listed at $75,000 (sale and...
Quick Serve Restaurant. Asset Sale. 1,500 sq.ft. Full Kitchen & Equip
San Jose, CA
Perfect for any quick-serve concept. Busy shopping center. Seats 34+. Full Kitchen with...
Commercial Kitchen 1,732 sq.ft. 12 ft hood.
Santa Clara, CA
**ASSET SALE** This is a much better option than renting. A similar commercial kitchen...
Attractive Corner location in D.T. San Jose
San Jose, CA
This Restaurant location & it's decor looks Majestic, with It's very high ceilings &...
Restaurant. 2 kitchens. Full liquor. Asset Sale
Milpitas, CA
**This is an ASSET SALE. The cost to build this restaurant from scratch would be...
Mediterranean Restaurant Bar with a Bar & type 47 license
San Jose, CA
This Restaurant location & it's decor looks Majestic, with It's very high ceilings &...
BBQ, Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Or Bing A New Concept TYPE 41 LICENSE
Santa Clara, CA
Excellent location in the heart of silicon valley, it's been there for years as a Texas...
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