Dry Cleaning Agency in Affluent Area
Santa Clara County, CA
The owner is ready to start a well-earned retirement after 25 years of steadfast...
SBA Pre-qualified!Dry Cleaner, Prime Location, High Growth Potential
San Jose, CA
Dry Cleaner - Excellent location with high visibility: close to retail stores, easy...
"GREEN " Dry Cleaning Plant in Santa Clara -NEW ASKING PRICE @ $75K
Santa Clara, CA
Turnkey -(F F & E valued at approximately $65,000 included in asking price) -Same Prime...
Dry Cleaners in Los Gatos for Sale!
Los Gatos, CA
Full Dry Cleaning plant with shirts pressing unit so that all garments can be cleaned on...
Dry Cleaners in Los Gatos for Sale!
Los Gatos, CA
This Dry Cleaner is located in a shopping center with ample parking and is a full plant...
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