Patented US Based World Leader Iris Recognition Tech
San Jose, CA
Our client is a world leader in iris recognition technology with a large production capacity based in USA. They are a multinational corporation with a robust...
Cash Flow: $9,280
AI Optical Design & Manufacturing Company
Santa Clara County, CA
DYNAMIC • ADAPTABLE • EXPERT • This enterprise leverages their global engineering, manufacturing, and supply...
Profitable South Bay Print Shop—Turnkey, Growth Potential
Santa Clara County, CA
This print shop is a well-established commercial printing company that has served the...
Profitable AI-Powered Plant Care App TTM Profit of $396,000.00
Los Altos, CA
Platform: iOS (App Store) Revenue Model: Subscription-Based Business Overview: This...
Revolutionize Amateur Hockey - High Profit Sports Tech Business
Santa Clara County, CA
Are you passionate about hockey and looking for a profitable sports business? Purchase...
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