Preschool & Church on a 1.12 Acre Lot and 7,160 sqft Building
Milpitas, CA
2,904 sq ft being used as a preschool licensed for 68 kids 4,260 sq ft being used by the Church The entire 7,160 sq ft can be potentially used as a preschool...
Cash Flow: $600,000
Established Preschool and Kindergarten
Santa Clara County, CA
Desirable Location in Santa Clara County! Seller Financing Available! Contact business broker for more information regarding this well-established Preschool and...
Renowned and Profitable Preschool in the Heart of Silicon Valley
Santa Clara County, CA
This distinguished early education institution in the heart of the San Francisco Bay...
Cash Flow: $474,476
Preschool Business For Sale Milpitas, CA
Milpitas, CA
Known for its diverse community and proximity to tech hubs, making it a vibrant place...
Preschool For Sale Mountain View, CA
Mountain View, CA
Located in Mountain View, within Santa Clara County. This southern part of the San...
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