Profitable Picture Framing Store
Capitola, CA
This business is part of an SBA-approved national franchise that delivers industry leading custom picture framing services. It's the ideal business for someone...
Global Wetsuit & Surf Brand
Santa Cruz County, CA
This niche action sports product company features a proprietary line of specialty products, including wetsuits, surfboards, and beach apparel. The company has...
Cannabis Distribution Business (Santa Cruz County, CA) #1471
Santa Cruz, CA
Prime opportunity to establish your cannabis distribution business, in Santa Cruz, CA. This 1,500 SqFt space is leased at just $3,000 a month, and with a generous...
Portable Cannabis Dispensary License For Sale (Santa Cruz, CA) #1411
Santa Cruz, CA
The opportunity being presented involves acquiring a portable dispensary License in Santa Cruz, California. This portable license offers unparalleled flexibility...
High Cash Flow/Gas Station/C-Store/Real Property For Sale!!
Santa Cruz County, CA
Price reduced!! Absentee operated...employee managed. Established site with proven track...
Smoke Shop
Santa Cruz County, CA
Net Profit: $360,000 For sale: A highly profitable smoke shop located on a bustling...
Water Filtration Systems Provider & Installation Business
Santa Cruz County, CA
Consistent 5-Year Average $267,518 in Sales, $105,492 in SDE The presented opportunity...
Destination Shop For Gems, Beads & Metaphysical Objects in Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz County, CA
Open 5 days a week from 10AM-6PM, This store is the go-to spot for Locals and Tourists...
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