Scalable Mobile Canning Business in Sonoma County
Santa Rosa, CA
Scalable Mobile Canning Company based in Sonoma County. Cash flowing with strong...
Stunning Restaurant in High Profile Location
Santa Rosa, CA
Stunning restaurant in a great location with a lot of foot traffic. Wrap-around windows...
Burger Shop in Busy Neighborhood Center
Santa Rosa, CA
Burger shop in a popular and large neighborhood shopping center with several national...
Turnkey Restaurant & Bar in Prime Santa Rosa Location – Fully Equipped
Santa Rosa, CA
Turnkey Restaurant & Bar in Prime Santa Rosa Location – Fully Equipped with Type 47...
Downtown Restaurant with Large Patio
Santa Rosa, CA
Explore the exciting opportunity to own a prominent downtown Santa Rosa restaurant,...
Quick Service Restaurant Franchise - Santa Rosa (Price reduction)
Santa Rosa, CA
This Franchise restaurant is a Counter-service chain offering a range of Philly-style...
Sonoma County Type 47 Liquor License for Sale
Santa Rosa, CA
This Sonoma County California ABC Type-47 Full Liquor License can be used on premises...
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