Contemporary Asian-inspired Californian Cuisine Restaurant
Saratoga, CA
Newly established restaurant in the heart of an affluent area. This popular eatery boasts a loyal customer base and strong revenue, making it a reliable...
(2 FOR 1) RESTAURANT & SEPARATED BAR Full liquor License
Saratoga, CA
The Cafe/Restaurant offers a relaxed experience with highlights like breakfast favorites (e.g., omelets, crepes, and waffles) and a pet-friendly outdoor seating...
Elegant & Beautiful Downtown Saratoga Restaurant W/Beer & Wine
Saratoga, CA
Downtown Saratoga is a charming area known for its historic small-town feel, with...
Historical Bar in Downtown Saratoga with Real Estate
Saratoga, CA
This offering for one of the oldest bars in the area is a once in a lifetime...
See more results when you broaden your search from Saratoga to Santa Clara County.
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