Successful Retail - Be Your Own Boss
Mount Shasta, CA
Live in desirable Mt Shasta, CA and own an established loyal business! This business has been profitable from its first year and loved by locals for over 8 years!...
Premier Furniture, Appliances, and Mattress Store
Yreka, CA
This well-established business, located in Northern California, has been a trusted provider of furniture, appliances, and mattresses for over 60 years. With the...
Cannabis Store
Siskiyou County, CA
Nestled in the Shasta Mountains, this beautiful, turn-key dispensary is an actual store front where you are greeted by a professional, knowledgeable staff who make...
Tire Sales Net$225,614 yr. Includes Property $120Kdn..Shasta Mountain
Siskiyou County, CA
Established over 20 years. Present owner works (5) days per week with (5) employees. The business has been consistently growing year after year. 2019 sales were...
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