Wonderful Restaurant and Full Bar in Downtown Petaluma for Sale
Petaluma, CA
This beautiful restaurant & cocktail bar embraces the bounty of Sonoma County. This...
For Sale: Restaurant and Cafe in Sonoma
Sonoma, CA
This restaurant & cafe has been a local favorite since its inception. They serve...
Established Subway Sonoma Co. CA
Sonoma County, CA
Subway is the world's #1 QSR chain with over 43,000 restaurants in 110 countries....
Stunning Restaurant in High Profile Location
Santa Rosa, CA
Stunning restaurant in a great location with a lot of foot traffic. Wrap-around windows...
Very Popular & Quick Serve Burger Place in Petaluma for Sale
Petaluma, CA
Seller financing available to a qualified Buyer. This is a fantastic opportunity to take...
Beautiful and Fully Equipped Restaurant and Brewhouse
Sonoma, CA
This well-equipped, well-maintained restaurant and craft brew house is located in West...
Sandwich Shop-Franchise, Recent large price reduction-Very High Sales
Sonoma County, CA
Over the last decade, this Sandwich Shop has stood being resilient through (3) years of...
Great Bistro Restaurant for Sale in Downtown Petaluma
Petaluma, CA
This is a local family-owned restaurant, which is welcoming to customers of all ages....
Mexican Restaurant in Neighborhood Center-Can Convert
Rohnert Park, CA
This great Mexican restaurant is located in a nice, locally owned commercial center with...
Chocolate Bash
Available in California
The Chocolate Bash brand is beckoning entrepreneurial hopefuls who want a business with...
Burger Shop in Busy Neighborhood Center
Santa Rosa, CA
Burger shop in a popular and large neighborhood shopping center with several national...
Downtown Restaurant with Large Patio
Santa Rosa, CA
Explore the exciting opportunity to own a prominent downtown Santa Rosa restaurant,...
Quick Service Restaurant Franchise - Santa Rosa (Price reduction)
Santa Rosa, CA
This Franchise restaurant is a Counter-service chain offering a range of Philly-style...
Fully Equipped Restaurant in Rohnert Park
Rohnert Park, CA
Take advantage of this rare opportunity to own a fully equipped restaurant in Rohnert...
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