Established Digital Printing Company/Great book of customers.
Petaluma, CA
Locally owned retail and B2B printing company that over the past 29 years provided clients with value, quality and on-time service. The company focused on...
Scalable Mobile Canning Business in Sonoma County
Santa Rosa, CA
Scalable Mobile Canning Company based in Sonoma County. Cash flowing with strong customer list, state of the art equipment, and all accessories to make it...
DELI/SALUMERIA - Upscale, Sonoma County, CA
Sonoma County, CA
This unique business opportunity is a small deli located in the heart of Sonoma County,...
Granola Co. with proven Recipes/Sales to Retail Grocers and Online
Sonoma County, CA
Sale Description: Granola Company with FOUR+ proven recipes with sales to both food...
Delightful & Profitable Retail Tea Shop in the Russian River Valley
Duncans Mills, CA
OPPORTUNITY: This is a unique opportunity to take over the wonderful & profitable...
Thriving Candy Store in Charming Downtown Location
Sonoma County, CA
Opportunity Overview: Experience the sweetness of owning your own business with this...
(New Price) Long-Established, Auto Repair Business
Sonoma County, CA
Business Summary This long-established auto repair shop services most foreign and...
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