Consistently Profitable Los Angeles County Day Spa
Los Angeles County, CA
This Business has maintained consistent profitability over the past 16 years serving one...
High-End Salon in Downtown LA - Absentee Ownership - $60,000 Down, SBA
Los Angeles, CA
Ultimate Career Launchpad for Aspiring Beauticians/Aestheticians: Secure Your Dream...
Seeking a Visionary Med Spa Transformer in Newport Beach, CA
Orange County, CA
Are you a seasoned entrepreneur with a knack for turning businesses around? A strategic...
Profitable Tanning Salon
Ventura County, CA
Great opportunity to purchase an absentee-owner run Tanning Salon. Very clean books and...
Established Premier Med Spa-Absentee run
Glendale, CA
Owner will consider partnership sale. This premier med spa administers pioneering,...
Extremely Profitable Upscale Spa
Orange County, CA
This long-standing, upscale spa is in the heart of affluent Orange County. They offer a...
Spa & Wellness Center
Santa Barbara, CA
Nestled in the heart of downtown Santa Barbara, this retail, spa & wellness center is...
Just built spa
Anaheim, CA
Unleash Your Inner Serenity: A Luxurious Spa Awaits Are you ready to transform your...
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