Premier Pawn Shop w/ Real Estate
Stanislaus County, CA
After more than 33 years of continued Ownership, it is time to retire and hand the keys to the kingdom over to the successor. Don’t miss the opportunity to be the...
Great Opportunity for combo Indian Grocery store and Restaurant
Modesto, CA
Large established Indian grocery store with restaurant including tables and chairs located on the main commercial road in Modesto, Ca. Plenty of parking space...
Long Established Furniture Store For Sale
Stanislaus County, CA
This is an opportunity to purchase a complete furniture business with a great location....
Liquor Store with Property for Sale in Stanislaus County CA
Stanislaus County, CA
Business Description: * Liquor Store business with real estate for sale in Stanislaus...
Convenience Store
Stanislaus County, CA
Great opportunity to own an attractive, well established, high visibility, major busy...
Smoke Shop
Stanislaus County, CA
This is an established smoke shop & soda bar lounge in Stanislaus County. Seller is...
Smoke Shop
Stanislaus County, CA
$90,000 Net Profit For Sale: Thriving smoke shop in Stanislaus County with monthly...
Grocery Store/Cuisine
Stanislaus County, CA
Asking Price: $500,000+Inventories 240,000 Net Income This beautiful Afghan cuisine +...
Established Women’s Fashion Boutique in Stanislaus County
Modesto, CA
Anchoring a bustling shopping center in Modesto since 1983, this boutique caters to an...
Expedia Cruises
Available in California
For over 35 years, Expedia Cruises has been one of North America's largest retail travel...
Elevate your event rental business with these decorative trees!
Turlock, CA
Decorative Metal Tree Rentals come in a white or brown structure, with a variety of 40+...
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