Great Opportunity - Priced Under Market Value
Stockton, CA
Established Papa Murphy's Take and Bake Pizza Restaurant located on a high profile corner across from the mall. Simple business model with no ovens.
Multi Unit Pizza Franchises for sale! 249k for BOTH!! Seller Financing
Stockton, CA
Owner Moving out of State!! Selling TWO Take-N-Bake pizza units. Great locations with high visibility. These are well established Papa Murphy's franchises for...
Low Priced-Take-N-Bake Pizza-Only 49K Down-Seller Financing Available
Stockton, CA
Great price!! This is a well established Papa Murphy's franchise for sale. It is located...
Well Priced-Profitable Take-N-Bake Pizza-50% down-50% Seller Financing
Stockton, CA
This is a well established Papa Murphy's franchise for sale. $564,518.94 in gross sales...
Branded Pizza restaurant for sale in Stockton shopping center
Stockton, CA
Branded take n bake pizza restaurant for sale in Stockton shopping center. They make...
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