LA Michoacana Turnkey 2 Locations Walmart Shopping center
Upland, CA
Ice cream & Popsicle, Snacks, Fruits, Smoothie ,MilkShake and different Water flavors.Absentee Run Located in heavy traffic area and surrounded by major...
Breakfast & Lunch-Excellent Opportunity-Airport Cafe w/ Beer & Wine
Upland, CA
Nestled in at the base of the San Antonio Mountains within the grounds of Cable Airport, you will find this well-established breakfast and lunch cafe that has been...
Owner Absentee Run Boba Tea Shop
Upland, CA
** MONTHLY GROSS: $18,912 ** MONTHLY RENT: $2,772 + $858 NNN ** LEASE TERMS: 4 **...
Upland California Boba / Tea House / Cafe for sale
Upland, CA
Redding Plaza Boba/ Tea House/ Cafe in a thriving location. Located in a bustling area,...
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