Successful, Growing Flexible Workspace in Oakville
Oakville, ON
Established in 2008, this thriving flexible workspace and virtual office franchise has a 17-year track record of profitability and growth. Situated in a prime...
Leading Ontario Vacation Rental Management Company
Located in one of Canada's premier tourism destinations with over 180 properties under management, this vacation rental management company brings a legacy of...
Cash Flow: $324,000
Roof Shampoo® Distributorship – Canadian Licensing Rights
This is your once-in-a-lifetime exclusive opportunity to be the exclusive distributor of...
Industrial, Commercial Maintenance Services
Central Ontario, ON
This company is a multi-faceted hospitality, commercial and industrial facility service...
REDUCED PRICE! Unbelievable Commercial Real Estate Investment-8 Units!
British Columbia
INVESTOR, Are you looking for a nice passive income stream? SELLER REDUCED PRICE ...
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