Established Handyman business with National Brand
Colorado Springs, CO
We are the answer to 'Who Do You Call?' Ace Handyman Services #127 on the Franchise 500 list by Entrepreneur Magazine and #1 in the Handyman Category! In...
Very Profitable Restoration Business
Colorado Springs, CO
This Colorado Springs-based construction restoration business works primarily with insurance companies and mitigation companies to repair home damages as a result...
Profitable, Well-Established HVAC Co Ready for Immediate Takeover
El Paso County, CO
*Lender Pre-Qualified This profitable HVAC business has a huge growth opportunity with more technicians. It has an established customer base and stellar...
Profitable Roll Off Business with Great Client Base
El Paso County, CO
Great business with solid customer base in the construction roll off space. Newer Truck and over 40 containers make this a great opportunity for multiple buyer...
Established Solid Surface Countertops Business
Colorado Springs, CO
This turn-key and profitable business provides residential and commercial countertops...
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