Turnkey Business Ready for a New Owner - Greenwich, CT
Greenwich, CT
Located in a beautiful, prime location directly on Greenwich Avenue, this spacious salon has been recently renovated and boasts plenty of storage, 3 wash sinks...
Salon & Spa With Boutique - Northern Fairfield COUNTY(Rt 84 corridor)
Fairfield County, CT
This 3000 square foot salon, sits in the center of a busy Northern Fairfield County town. With this great location, comes their own dedicated parking lot, which...
Fit-Out Hair Salon with Multiple Stations
Norwalk, CT
Discover the perfect opportunity to own a chic and stylish boutique hair salon. This...
Hair Salon In Charming Fairfield County Town(Rt. 84/Rt. 7 Corridor)
Fairfield County, CT
**Price Just Reduced** This 1000 square foot modern salon, has a quaint feel in this...
Move-In Ready Hair Salon in Busy Plaza with Ample Parking
Fairfield, CT
This beautifully designed salon offers an inviting atmosphere and ample space for...
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