** Rare Downtown Fairfield Restaurant ** Private Parking ** Patio **
Fairfield, CT
40+/- seat GEM of a restaurant in bustling DOWNTOWN Fairfield, CT. $4000/month rent for...
Fabulous Fairfield Restaurant
Fairfield, CT
Newly updated restaurant and bar seats 80 plus full bar outdoor dining reasonable lease
TWO Ice Cream Shops for Sale for the Price of One! $300,000 in Sales
Fairfield, CT
Sweet Opportunity! This is a rare investment opportunity to purchase a package of TWO...
** Fully Equipped Fairfield CT QSR Cash Cow **
Fairfield, CT
Successful downtown Fairfield Restaurant with 40ish inside and 30ish outside dining...
*** Fairfield CT Restaurant 4 SALE *** Bargain Price ***
Fairfield, CT
Fully operational Fairfield restaurant. Owner currently transitioning out of operations.
See more results when you broaden your search from Fairfield to Fairfield County.
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