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Breakfast -- Work Easy Hours !!
Manchester, CT
Remodeled -- Breakfast / Lunch Restaurant that is busy and staffed. Complete with Upgraded Hood -- Ample Street Parking -- Walkable Street Traffic -- Popular...
Two Spaces for Restaurant and Banquet Room with 15 ft Hood and Walkin
Hartford County, CT
This is a fully equipped space -- Restaurant Booths, Service Window and Separate Banquet room<br />TOTAL 3500...
QSR - Avon Location
Avon, CT
Go right into a newly built space at a reduced cost! Keep it a Poke concept or convert to your own brand for minimal money upfront. <br /><br />Fast, fresh, fit....
Award Winning Bakery /4Locations Possibility
Hartford County, CT
Great opportunity for any entrepreneur to take over a ready to go bakery operation with a commissary and 3 satellite locations all ready to do business and leases...
Great Opportunity for a Unique Concept
Avon, CT
This business is a well-established, beloved tea destination in the heart of Avon,...
Beloved Greek Restaurant
West Hartford, CT
Immerse yourself in the rich flavors of tradition. This beloved family owned Greek...
Bite into Success: Thriving Cheesesteak Empire for Sale!
Hartford County, CT
Attention investors and strategic buyers! Are you looking for a mouthwatering...
Business For Sale: Established Restaurant With Prime Location
Hartford County, CT
HS Listing ID-62625<br /><br />Top-Tier Online Presence: Boasting 5-star ratings across...
Breakfast & Lunch Restaurant
East Windsor, CT
Very profitable store <br />Short hours and Sunday's closed <br />Gross Weekly...
Mason’s Famous Lobster Rolls
Available in Connecticut
Join Mason's Famous Lobster Rolls: A simple, profitable franchise offering authentic New...
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