Asset Sale: High-Quality Gym Equipment with Lease Opportunity
Milford, CT
An excellent opportunity to acquire a full set of premium gym equipment in a well-established fitness facility,...
Pickleball Facility For Sale - New Haven County
New Haven County, CT
Your chance to own and operate a pickleball facility is here! The sport of Pickleball is blowing up and becoming extremely popular all over the Country. From...
Established, Profitable Hybrid Fitness Coaching Center
Burlington, CT
Serving the Burlington, CT community since 1998, this hybrid fitness coaching center...
Post-Pandemic Fitness Success: Proven Growth in $4.5T Wellness Ma
Hartford County, CT
Attention fitness industry investors and entrepreneurs: A rare opportunity has emerged...
Boxing Gym for Sale
Fairfield County, CT
BOXING Gym in a Box. Are you looking to upgrade your current BOXING gym or have a space...
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