QSR - Sandwich/Pizza Business for Sale in CT
Hartford County, CT
LISTING ID # 34908 A unique eatery & deli has just become available on the market. This sandwich and pizza business offers self-service/grab and go services...
Hartford County Sandwich Franchise
Hartford County, CT
Pi Business Brokers is now offering Connecticut's Favorite Sandwich franchise. This is an established franchise in Hartford County. This business is run...
Sandwich Franchise-2 Locations-NE Connecticut-Absentee-For Sale
Hartford County, CT
These are profitable, popular sandwich deli franchises. The owner is absentee so there is opportunity for a hands on owner to make more money-maybe over $100,000...
Bite into Success: Thriving Cheesesteak Empire for Sale!
Hartford County, CT
Attention investors and strategic buyers! Are you looking for a mouthwatering opportunity in the fast-casual restaurant industry? We have an exciting proposition...
Well Established Bagel Shop In Busy Location For Sale
Manchester, CT
This bagel shop for sale has been in business since 1994 and was completely renovated in...
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