Iconic Shoreline Pizza & Italian Restaurant
Now offering an iconic Italian Restaurant located in a busy shoreline town. This multi-generational family owned restaurant has been successfully serving...
East Of The River Italian Restaurant/Pizzeria & Banquets
Don't miss this opportunity to purchase this well known family restaurant and bring in to the the next level. This local favorite has supported multiple...
Hartford County Busy Pizzeria
Hartford County, CT
Family pizzeria specialized in pizza and other Italian delicacies. Quality ingredients...
Jon's Restaurant
Middletown, CT
This well-established restaurant is a turnkey business ready for the next owner. If you...
150k Profit For Pizzeria Owner
Hartford County, CT
Small Owner Operated highly profitable Pizza Restaurant Located on busy Rt 10 In...
Easy to Manage Pizza Restaurant with Bar and Patio
Plainville, CT
This inviting, perfectly sized pizzeria combines a cozy indoor dining area of 26 seats...
Profitable Mediterranean Restaurant in Incredible Condition
Hartford, CT
Renovated, great location in Hartford CT The perfect place for the savvy restaurant...
Perfect Retirement Restaurant - Closed Monday and Tuesday
East Hartland, CT
Only 7 employees Making over 18k a week Closed Monday and Tuesday Wednesday- Sunday...
Profitable Pizza Restaurant in Coventry Area
Coventry, CT
Weekly business over 30k.
Teriyaki Madness
Available Nationwide
Our food is addictive and our concept is fresh!
Italian and Pizza Restaurant - Highly Profitable Central CT Area
Wethersfield, CT
Gross Weekly business over 50k For more information call Tony
Cash Flow: $360,000
Profitable Restaurant in Vernon Area CT
Vernon Rockville, CT
Gross Weekly Revenue - 38k Making over 300k profit per year.
Cash Flow: $300,000
Very Profitable Restaurant - High Traffic Location
Wethersfield, CT
Beautiful Italian/American Restaurant in Rocky Hill/Wethersfield Area. Gross yearly...
Cash Flow: $460,000
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