Legal Practice with Specialty in Family Law Matters
New Haven, CT
This firm provides family law-related services throughout the state of Connecticut, catering to various legal needs including divorce, custody, mediation,...
New Haven County Sub Shop
New Haven, CT
This small kitchen features big flavors and a local cult following that landed it on the Food Network. Founded in 2019, this business features epic subs that...
Artisanal Cookie Business with Multiple Revenue Streams
New Haven, CT
Own a profitable dessert business with a unique niche in the market. Known for its rich, soft-baked cookies made from scratch using all-natural, organic...
Physical Therapy Practice In CT (#22620)
New Haven, CT
Seller Motivated For A Quick Transaction...Price Reduced To $329,000 This is a well-established and successful physical therapy practice servicing New Haven,...
Ice Cream Store For Sale In New Haven, CT
New Haven, CT
Ice Cream Store For Sale New Haven, CT Offered For $179,000 This is a solid...
High-Growth Painting Business with Proven Model
New Haven, CT
Step into a rapidly expanding painting business that has been delighting customers. This...
Property Damage Restoration + Cleaning, HIGH Margins!
New Haven, CT
Become the owner of an incredible recession-resistant restoration and cleaning business....
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