Wolcott Breakfast & Lunch - Reduced Price
Wolcott, CT
Pi Business Broker is now offering an exciting opportunity to open a local favorite for breakfast and lunch in Wollcott, CT. This business offers everything from...
Turnkey 36 year beloved diner for Sale! Own a piece of Meriden History
Meriden, CT
A rare opportunity to own a piece of Meriden history! The Cup & Saucer has been a well-loved landmark of the city for over 35 years catering to locals and visitors...
Busy Breakfast & Lunch Restaurant
New Haven County, CT
Pi Business Brokers, based in Connecticut is proud to be representing this award wining...
Profitable Shoreline Diner! Absentee /Motivated Seller!
New Haven County, CT
MOTIVATED SELLER! Looking for a perfectly located diner restaurant? Your search ends...
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