Breakfast/Lunch Bagel Take Out in Fairfield County
Stratford, CT
Thriving and well-loved bagel shop located in Fairfield County, Connecticut. This turnkey operation is known for its delicious freshly baked bagels, sandwiches,...
Neighborhood Bar & Grill
Stratford, CT
Overview: Discover an incredible opportunity to own a beloved neighborhood establishment that combines great food, relaxed vibes, and a strong community spirit....
Well-Known Specialty Cafe for Sale - Fairfield County Connecticut
Stratford, CT
Well-Known 5-Star rated tea and coffee cafe for sale. They hold a liquor license as well. Regular customers and loyal staff. Baked goods, pastries, and drinks are...
New Renovation - Exquisitely Appointed
Stratford, CT
Newley renovated FOH and BOH including all new kitchen equipment. 76 interior seats with 16 at the bar & 40 al fresco. Ample parking and highly visible location...
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